Asbestos Project Management
Discovering or dealing with asbestos in complex situations can feel like running into a brick wall of legislation and costs. It takes an uncommon level of expertise to find safe options in these circumstances. That is why places like the UK Houses of Parliament and companies like Balfour Beatty and Tata Steel have come to ACS when they encountered asbestos.

We have saved thousands of lives and millions of pounds for our clients.
We work hand-in-hand with the UK Health and Safety Executive to ensure that we find the safest and most cost-effective ways to move projects on at a pace, reducing the impact of potential shutdowns and costly removals. We have saved thousands of lives and millions of pounds for our clients.
How? ACS has been at the forefront of the Asbestos industry since our founder created some of the earliest chemical tests to detect its presence. Not only do we understand the substance completely, but we also understand the true risks associated with it. Rather than a blanket approach, we have the experience to assess every situation individually, separating perceived risk from actual risk and creating a bespoke plan for you. This might involve the creation of novel drilling techniques or filtration technologies, comprehensive site monitoring, or simply intensive training.
ACS are global experts in the management of asbestos in construction and refurbishment.